Schoenorchis tixieri is from 900 -1400m from S. Yunnan and Vietnam (Xinqi and Wood 2009). I was told that mine is Chinese origin, so mine might be from S. Yunnan, but I don't know the detailed history. From looking at the flower of my plants with 10x loupe, I can't tell the difference from S. fragrans . Unfortunately, I killed my S. fragrans , and I didn't take photos when it flowered, so I have been gazing photos in Flickr and from google image search. I should mention that there are lots of misidentified S. seidenfadenii labelled as S. fragrans . These two species are relatively easy to tell if you look at the callus shape and the angle of the spur. Seidenfaden (1988, p.66-69) discussed the difference, and here is the key to differentiate them: Epichile of lip with two low rounded calli besides each other, separated by a cleft. Spur in obtuse angle to epichile .... S. seidenfadenii Epichile with a single large semi globular callus. Spur in a right angle to ep
Plants, Orchids, and Life in North