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Paphiopedilum sugiyamanum

Paphiopedilum sugiyamanum

This species is endemic to Sabah, Borneo.  It was described in 2001, and named after the discoverer, Mr. Mitsuru Sugiyama.  Dr. Tanaka's website has good information about the original description (link).  It is a rare species in nature according to the IUCN Red List report from 2015.

Although the flower is not showy by any means, I do like the subtle color and beautiful leaves.
Paphiopedilum sugiyamanum
Paphiopedilum sugiyamanum

Close up of the staminodal shield.

Paphiopedilum sugiyamanum

Yellow pollinium can be seen behind the stminodal shield.
Paphiopedilum sugiyamanum

The petals gradually reflex backward over time.  It's a cool feature and it's kind of like the Spirit of Ecstasy (well, this is probably a bit of stretch). The photo below is taken after 3-5 days of opening, and the petals are starting to curl back.
Paphiopedilum sugiyamanum

This is after 8-10 days of opening. I think it will curl back more eventually.
Paphiopedilum sugiyamanum I got this plant recently (about 1 year ago) from Ooi Leng Sun.  It was a nice plant from the beginning, and started to grow roots immediately (you can see the surface root in the whole plant photo).  Hopefully, it will keep growing well, and I can propagate it eventually.

Update (Sept. 2019)
This plant has been flowering every year, but it looked particularly nice with four flowers this year.


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