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March for Science in Fairbanks, AK

Taiga found a giant puddle.  Lots of rocks in convenient location.
In the twenty-first century, who has guessed that people all over the world had to march for science?  Even in the small town of Fairbanks, hundreds (or maybe thousands) of people showed up to Ryan Middle School, and we marched along the Airport Way.  The weather was nice with blue sky, and temperature was reaching to warm (for Alaskan) 10C (50F), thanks to the climate change.  We still have snow on the ground, but it has been melting and many good puddles where kids can jump in.

The march went smoothly and peacefully without an incident, but there were small stone-throwing riots (the video clip at the end of this post).  Here are a couple photos from the scene.

Many dogs were participating, too.  This lab was carrying a stick with a sign: "Stick up for science".  Some animals are definitely more reasonable than the Dumb Tard.
"Labs for Science"
Some kids liked this sign: "It's Science, your opinion is Irr-elephant".

Our friend, Knut. He probabaly had one of the smallest sign!
"Put Your Faith in Reason"
It is promising that many kids were participating.  Education and science is the cure for the current situation of the "social tumor."
"I'm Alive.  Thanks to Science"
Our friend, Jane, and her daughter, Bella, had cool t-shirts.
"Forget Princess.  I want to be a Scientist."
Don't worry, little one; we are going backward at this moment, but we will resume the progress soon.
"Save Me"
Finally, my family.
"We want Science-based policy."
"S for Science."

Finally, here is a footage of stone-throwing riots.  Or maybe it was physics experiments.

Blogspot seems to be having problems with uploaded video on some browser at this moment (April 2017).  So I'm attaching two videos; the top one is hosted on Flickr, and the bottom one is hosted on blogger.

This is on Flickr, which seems to have better quality play back:
Stone-throwing "riots"

This one is same as above but it is hosted on Blogger (it doesn't seem to appear on Safari on Mac OS-X):


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