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Epidendrum moronense

Epidendrum moronense
I got this compact species from Ecuagenera in spring 2017.  It was a bit dehydrated at first. I mounted it on a cedar shingle, and kept it lying horizontally (instead of hanging the mount).  It managed to recover, and this is the first bloom under my care.

Epidendrum moronense shows relatively narrow distribution.  It is from wet forests of south-eastern Ecuador; in the basin of the Río Zamora, on the slopes of the Cordillera Oriental and the Cordillera del Condor (Hágster, 2015).  They are known from the provinces of Loja, Zamora-Chinchipe, and Morona Santiago. The species epithet is derived from the province, Morona-Santiago, where this species occurs, although the type specimen was collected in Zamora-Chinchipe. The elevation range is 800-1400m (Hágster, 2015).

Epidendrum moronense
The frilly lip and the reflexed sepals and petals make the flowers interesting.  The column is usually white, and the lip is white, but the color of petals and sepals can vary.  This individual has pinkish color, but others show greenish color (e.g. this example in IOSPE).  I'm not sure if the leaves will remain purplish, but it is kind of nice.

From the elevation range of 800-1400m, intermediate temperature should work well.  I'm growing at a cool-end of intermediate.
Epidendrum moronense
As a scale, the width of the mount is about 4cm.

Literature cited:

  • Hágster, E. 2015. Icons Orchidacearum Fascicle 15(1) - The Genus Epidendrum Part 11, "Species New & Old in Epidendrum", plate 1543, Instituto Chinoin (Herbario AMO)


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