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Phragmipedium lindleyanum var. kaieteurum

Phragmipedium lindleyanum var. kaieteurum 'War Eagle' x self, lip
I got this Phragmipedium lindleyanum var. kaieteurum 'War Eagle' x self from Marilyn LeDoux of Windy Hill Gardens.  I love buying plants from Marilyn because she is super-duper nice and helpful! Her plants are amazingly healthy, too.  Its parent 'War Eagle' is from Tom Larkin of Whippoorwill Orchids, who passed away in September 2013.   Marilyn didn't know where Tom got his plant from.

Although the flower is fairly small (dorsal sepal length is 3cm, petal length is 4cm), I think that it has pretty color with lots of red. According to PhragWeb, this variety has spots on the corner of the lip-opening (and P. lindleyanum doesn't have it). I'm guessing this is the reddish spots over yellowish background on the front side of the opening, which can be seen in the photo above (the area is a little out of focus).

There are 3 varieties in P. lindleyanum; var. lindelyanum with the widest distribution, var. kaiteurum, and var. sargentianum with a disjucnt distribution.  I believe, this variety, P. l. var. kaiteurum, was originally found from Kaieteur-Falls at the Potaro River (more photos here). The distibution map of this species can be found in and here.

Phragmipedium lindleyanum var. kaieteurum 'War Eagle' x self, front view

Pretty long ovary here:Phragmipedium lindleyanum var. kaieteurum 'War Eagle' x self, side view

The back side of the dorsal and synsepal is pretty, I think
Phragmipedium lindleyanum var. kaieteurum 'War Eagle' x self, back side

The photo below shows the triangular staminode with fair amount of hairs.Phragmipedium lindleyanum var. kaieteurum 'War Eagle' x self, staminode

The plant of this variety is much smaller.  Since it has only two growths now, it may become bigger, but the longest leaf is only 21cm.  But the inflorescence is fairaly long (51cm), currently it is holding the third flower, and buds of 4th and 5th can be seen.  The plant looks quite rough since it is growing right under a grow light, and it is getting a bit too much light there.
Phragmipedium lindleyanum var. kaieteurum 'War Eagle' x self, Plant


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