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Cattleya cernua

Cattleya cernua, from Bahia
This species used to be under genus Sophronitis, but now it is transferred to genus Cattleya to make the scientific names to be informative about their evolutionary (phylogenetic) relationships (van den Berg 2008).

I've been having difficult time growing the other species in the Sophronitis group, but Cattleya cernua is probably the easiest one, and it grows well in intermediate temperature.  When I was growing C. cernua in the cooler end of intermediate (lowest temp of 13C = 55F), the plant grew ok, but it became quite purplish and didn't flower so well.  Now it seems to be happier with max/min temperature of 27/16C (80/60F).

I purchased my plant from Florália a couple years ago, and it is supposed to be from Bahia.  I've heard that those Bahia plants are natural tetraploid, but I haven't confirmed this.  It is supposed to have bigger leaves and flowers than the other populations.

Here is a related link about the culture of this group.

The ruler below is metric, so the smallest tick correspond to 1 mm.
Cattleya cernua, from Bahia

Cattleya cernua, from Bahia


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