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Phragmipedium schlimii

Phragmipedium schlimii 'Select' x 'Colombia'
Phragmipedium schlimii belongs to section Micropetalum.  While the majority of Phragmipedium have greenish/brownish flowers, species in this section have more colorful flowers.  Before the discovery of P. besseae and P. kovachii, P. schlimii was the only species with pinkish flowers, so this Colombian species was one of the most popular species in the genus and it has been extensively used for hybridization.  The flower of this species may not be as big as P. kovachii or as bright as P. besseae, I think that this species has very cute and attractive flowers.

Especially, I like its yellow staminodal shield with red spots.  The whole flower is covered by fuzzy hairs.
Phragmipedium schlimii 'Select' x 'Colombia' Staminodal shield

Below, you can see the windows (fenestration) of the lip. In the top photo, you can see dark spots toward the base of the lip.  But under a different light (the bottom photo), you can't see them.  I've heard that these windows brings light into the pouch, and function as guide lights for the pollinator which is trapped in the pouch.
Phragmipedium schlimii 'Select' x 'Colombia' fenestration

My plant is from sibling cross ('Select' x 'Colombia') by Tom Kalina (Fox Vally Orchids).  It is a very easy grower, and grows vigorously.  I grow them with bottom water tray, so the roots are continuously wet.  The temperature is cool-end of intermediate.

Nice information about this species in and PhragWeb.


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